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5th Monthly competition

Anchor 1

1st Colour prints
Paul Kent - "The boathouse"

Beinn Liath Mhor Mem 78.jpeg
Anchor 2

2nd Colour prints
Frank Adams - "Being Laith Mhor"

misty morning Ullswater -mem28.jpg
Anchor 3

3rd Colour prints
Steve Smith - "Misty morning Ullswater"


Anchor 4

1st Monochrome prints
Paul Kent - "Wingfield Castle"

A Brief Encounter.jpg
Anchor 5

2nd Monochrome prints
Dave Hudspeth - "A brief encounter"

Copy of _DSF0377_1.jpg
Anchor 6

3rd Monochrome prints
Paul Kent - "Having fun"


Beadnall Harbour - member 70.jpg
Anchor 7

1st Digital images
Dave Hudspeth - "Beadnell harbour"

Stan.jpg Member 73.jpg
Anchor 8

2nd Digital images
Denis Dunning - "Stan"

Rosalind - member 21.jpg
Anchor 9

3rd Digital images
Brigette Thomasson - "Rosalind"

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