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2nd Monthly competition - Theme (Looking up)

Anchor 1
1st Colour prints
Andy Gunn - "Waiting for me dad!"

Anchor 2
2nd Colour prints
Paul Kent - "Looking up"

Anchor 3
3rd Colour prints
Paul Kent - "Looking up the stream"

Anchor 4
1st Monochrome prints
Paul Kent - "Shiver me timbers"

Anchor 5
2nd Monochrome prints
Paul Kent - "I see the light"

Anchor 6
3rd Monochrome prints
Sue Tyerman LRPS - "Chimneys and rooftops"
Anchor 7

1st Digital images
Brian Swales LRPS - "Looking up!"

Anchor 8
2nd Digital images
Sarah Hillier LRPS - "Chapel ceiling"

Anchor 9
3rd Digital images
Sue Tyerman LRPS - "The windsurfer"
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